Fungi Fruiting Instructions


If you came to a Pollinator Sanctuary Open Day or Workshop, you may have taken home a GIY mushroom kit. Here are some tips to help your mushrooms fruit:

  • keep your bag closed and in a spot that sustains a temperature of 20-24 degrees C until the white mycelium becomes dominant (approximately 2 weeks for oyster mushrooms, could take longer)

  • once your bag is mostly colonised with white mycelium, cut a small X in the bag and mist with water. Maintain at the same temperature and slightly humid by misting every few days—a bathtub works nicely, if you have one—and some natural light helps too.

  • you will see tiny mushrooms or “pins” forming in about 2 weeks. Once the mushrooms are fully grown, harvest them and enjoy!

For comprehensive instructions and more supplies, visit the lovely folks over at Urban Farm-It, the UK team that helped me with Pollinator Sanctuary.